Course Reader on Using MLA Style for Research Papers

Disclaimer: Every effort is made to see that these links are current and active; however, the Internet is dynamic, meaning changes occur!


Using MLA Format
"Modern Language Association (MLA) format provides writers with a system for cross-referencing their sources--from their parenthetical references to their works cited page. This cross-referencing system allows readers to locate the publication information of source material." This is a great site, provided by Purdue University (Dr. Price's a graduate!) and its Purdue University Online Writing Lab.
Online Power Point Presentations to Help with Writing, including MLA
Here are many very good Power Point presentations, provided by Purdue University's Online Writing Lab.
MLA STYLE GUIDELINES How do I document sources from the WorldWide Web in my works-cited list?
These guidelines on MLA documentation style are the only ones available on the Internet that are authorized by the Modern Language Association of America.
MLA Style Guide
MLA: Frequently Asked Questions
Citing Electronic Resources
This is an article on citing electronic documents
The 10 Steps of Preparing a Research Paper (Yukon College Library)
(cited from The College of New Caledonia Library: College of New Caledonia, 3330 - 22nd Ave., Prince George BC V2N 1P8 Updated Sept. 2001 by Kathy Plett) This site has 10 steps are a possible strategy you can follow when preparing a research paper assignment. These steps are general in nature and can be adapted to any subject for which you need to find and present information.
Guide to Writing Papers in History
This is a site from the Bowdoin College History Department, specifically for writing papers in history, but it has some good, general information embedded within each of the sections.
MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2nd Edition) for graduate students, scholars and
professional writers
MLA GUIDELINES FOR WRITERS OF RESEARCH PAPERS (5th edition) for high school and undergraduate
Digital Resources for Multimedia, Electronic Portfolios, and Internet Applications
Copyright © 2001  Barrie Jo Price, George E. Marsh II, and Anna C. McFadden
All Rights Reserved